Kick Boxing +1 Punch/Kick
Boxing +2 Punch
Wrestling +1 TD/Sprawl
BJJ +2
Ground Game +1 Position/GnP
Conditioning +2 Cond
Muay-Thai +2 Clinch
Gym +2
Gameplan +1 Eff/Int
Motivation +2 Heart
Spar +1 Agr/Tough
Sprints +2
Intuition +2 Kill
All training costs $4000 You may train your fighter one (1) time per week.
A new week begins every Sunday.
+5 (to all stats) $2000
+10 $4000
+15 $8000
+20 $16000 . etc . etc . etc
steroids adds to all stats for 1 fight only. You may not buy more than one steriod bonus before a fight. Before you
go taking steroids for every fight you should know that there is a catch. You have a 1/10 chance of being caught.
If caught you will lose all sponsorships automatically and cannot receive any for 1 month. You will also not receive
any pay for your fight and will be fined an amount equal to your contract. Getting caught multiple times may warrent a fighter
Official site of EUC